Gabby, Tommy, Klaus & the Stick. |
In late September 2014 Gabby and Klaus Drissner were my guests for 4 days. They became enthusiastic about my "
Stick &
Twitching Trees arts projects. Klaus being a well respected birdwatch in Germany and an awesome photographer of birds he is more than happy to be a international collaborator with my project. For more information on the project read my
Artist Statement.
Driftwood stick found on the beach of treeless Fair Isle.
Taken back to Germany by Klaus & Gabby.
A new development in my Environmental Arts
All photographs below are by Klaus Drissner - Birds on a found on Fair Isle Driftwood Stick. |
Marsh Tit - Poecile palustris - Sumpfmeise
Great Spotted Woodpecker - Dendrocopos major - Buntspecht |
Blue Tit - Cyanistes caeruleus - Blaumeise |
Robin - Erthacus rubecula - Rothehlchen |
Bullfinch - Pyrrhula pyrrhula - Gimpel |
Coal Tit - Periparus ater - Tannenmiese |
Coal Tit - Periparus ater - Tannenmiese |
Blackbird - Turdus merula - Amsel |
Tree Sparrow - Passer montanus - Feldspering
Wow! What great photographs!
Already such a good documentation of species.
I've been very excited by this collaboration and this is just the beginning. More photos to come! |
Birds on a Stick
The "Stick" is a found object that facilitates my interaction with nature & wildlife. It's up close and personal, placed just outside the window of my home. The place where the viewer and wildlife interact becoming a common reference point unifying and a constant through out the work. The Birds photographed range from common residences to scarce or rare migrant species. As any sculptor will take a raw material and transcend it into a object of beauty, power and worth, I now value the "Stick" much more than many paintings I have made, as it is now invested with experiences and documentation while also serving a function. The once insignificant piece of driftwood I now look upon as a icon of surprising possibilities with wildlife. It is the same for my original Twitching Trees, artistically the interaction between nature, the sculpture and the viewer is conceptually so strong with these works. Even though the humble stick is in every photo, it is the wildlife that star in this work. It is natural for an artist interests such as Birds & Wildlife to become a theme with in the framework of ones art, and this is true of much of my more traditional art forms paintings & sculpture that often have images of birds. It is no different for these interests to feature in a more conceptual work of art. One can disregard one photo of a bird or the stick alone as art, it's collectively the framework of the Stick, the documentation in photographs & my intimate experiences with birds & nature that make for a detailed account of "Birds on the Stick" a work of art.
T. H. Hyndman
From my garden to yours... Cheers! |